- Pro-Formal
- Publications
State of the timber sector in Central African Republic (2016)
Cerutti, P.O.; Mbangolo, J.D.; Nakoe, G.P.; Vandenhaute, M.; Hubert, D.
State of the timber sector in Cameroon (2015)
Cerutti, P.O ; Mbongo,M ; Vaundenhaute,M.
June 2016.
Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal en Côte d’Ivoire
Paolo Omar Cerutti, Raphael Tsanga and Edouard Essiane
June 2015. 0.5 MB
Informality and inclusive green growth
Lewis, S.
2016. English 16.5 MB
Wood Supply Chain in Rwanda: A Market Analysis
Tsanga, R.; Ducenne, Q.; Habimana, C.; Brasseur, R.; Cerutti, P.O.
Kigali, Rwanda, Promotion of Economy and Employment (Eco-Emploi) Programme 7.3 MB
Mukula (rosewood) trade between China and Zambia
Cerutti, P.O.; Gumbo, D.J.; Moombe, K.B.; Schoneveld, G.C.; Nasi, R.; Borchard, N.; Xiaoxue, W.
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Chinese (1.0 MB)
English (0.3 MB)
French (0.3 MB)
Chinese investments and Africa’s small-scale producers: disruptions and opportunities
Xiaoxue, W.; Buckley, L.; Blackmore, E.; Vorley, B.; Schoneveld, G.; Cerutti, P.O.; Gumbo, D.; Moombe, K.B.; Kabwe, S.; Muzenda, J.; Mujeyi, K.; Chacha, M.; Njau, M.; Jønsson, J.
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK 4.8 MB
Formalization as Development in Land and Natural Resource Policy
Putzel, L.; Kelly, A.; Cerutti, P.O.; Artati, Y.
Society and Natural Resources 28(5): 453-472 0.3 MB
Formalization and Collective Appropriation of Space on Forest Frontiers: Comparing Communal and Individual Property Systems in the Peruvian and Ecuadoran Amazon
Cronkleton, P.; Larson, A.M.
Society and Natural Resources 28(5): 496-512 0.5 MB
Timber legality verification system and the Voluntary Partnership Agreement in Indonesia: The challenges of the small-scale forestry sector
Obidzinski, K.; Dermawan, A.; Andrianto, A.; Komarudin, H.; Hernawan, D.; Fripp, E.; Cullinane, L.
Center for International Forestry Research 0.7 MB
Contesting national and international forest regimes: case of timber legality certification for community forests in Central Java, Indonesia
Nurrochmat, D.R.; Dharmawan, A.H.; Obidzinski, K.; Dermawan, A.; Erbaugh, J.T.
Forest Policy and Economics
European Union Timber Regulation: is it legal?
Fishman, A.; Obidzinski, K.
Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 23(2): 258-274 0.3 MB
Monitoring illegal logging at the national level: lessons from Indonesia
Dermawan, A.; Obidzinski, K.; Amira, S.
Following the Proceeds of Environmental Crime : Fish, Forests and Filthy Lucre. 141-157
Timber legality verification and small-scale forestry enterprises in Indonesia: Lessons learned and policy options
Obidzinski, K.; Dermawan, A.; Andrianto, A.; Komarudin, H.; Hernawan, D.
Center for International Forestry ResearchEnglish (0.4 MB)
Indonesian (0.4 MB)
Policy options for improved forest use by smallholders in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Mejia, E.; Pacheco, P.; Carrasco, A.; Muzo, A.; Torres, B.
Center for International Forestry Research English (0.4 MB)
Spanish (0.4 MB)
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime in Cameroon
Cerutti, P.O.; Lescuyer, G.; Tsanga, R.; Mvondo, S.A.; Essiane-Mendoula, E.; Wardell, A.
Center for International Forestry Research English (0.4 MB)
French (0.4 MB)
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime in Gabon
Lescuyer, G.; Ndotit, S.; Ndong, L.B.B.; Tsanga, R.; Cerutti, P.O.
Center for International Forestry Research English (0.3 MB)
French (0.3 MB)
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime: Lessons from formalization case studies
Putzel, L.; Cerutti, P.O.; Artati, Y.; Kelly, A.
Center for International Forestry Research English (0.3 MB)
French (0.3 MB)
Spanish (0.3 MB)
Indonesian (0.4 MB)
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime: Synthesis from lessons learned in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Gabon and Indonesia
Cerutti, P.O.; Artati, Y.; Dermawan, A.; Kelly, A.; Lescuyer, G.; Mejia, E.; Obidzinski, K.; Pacheco, P.; Putzel, L.; Tsanga, R.; Wardell, A.
Center for International Forestry Research English (0.3 MB)
Spanish (0.3 MB)
French (0.3 MB)
Indonesian (0.4 MB)
Policy options for improved integration of domestic timber markets under the voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) regime in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O.; Tshimpanga, P.; Biloko, F.; Adebu-Abdala, B.; Tsanga, R.; Yembe-Yembe, R.I.; Essiane-Mendoula, E.
Center for International Forestry Research English (0.3 MB)
French (0.3 MB)
The domestic market for small-scale chainsaw milling in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Present situation, opportunities and challenges
Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O.; Tshimpanga, P.; Biloko, F.; Adebu-Abdala, B.; Tsanga, R.; Yembe-Yembe, R.I.; Essiane-Mendoula, E. English (2.0 MB)
French (2.3 MB)
Formalization of natural resource access and trade: Insights from land tenure, mining, fisheries, and non-timber forest products
Putzel, L.; Kelly, A.; Cerutti, P.; Artati, Y.
Center for International Forestry Research 0.9 MB
The formalisation of artisanal mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda
International Peace Information Service 0.7 MB
Context in land matters
Peluso, N.L.; Kelly, A.B.; Woods, K. 0.6 MB
Formalisation and the non-timber forest product sector
Wynberg, R.; Niekerk, J.v.; Kozanayi, W.; Laird, S. 2.4 MB
Chainsaw milling in the Congo Basin
Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O.; Mendoula, E.E.; Ebaa-Atyi, R.; Nasi, R. ETFRN 52
Cameroon's hidden harvest: Commercial chainsaw logging, corruption, and livelihoods
Cerutti, P.O.; Tacconi, L.; Lescuyer, G.; Nasi, R. 0.2 MB
Chainsaw milling: Supplier to local markets — a synthesis
Wit, M.; Van Dam, J.; Cerutti, P.O.; Lescuyer, G.; Kerrett, R.; McKeown, J.P. ETFRN 52
Cameroon's hidden harvest
Pye-Smith, C. English (1.8 MB)
French (1.8 MB)
The domestic market for small-scale chainsaw milling in Cameroon
Cerutti, P.O.; Lescuyer, G. English (0.7 MB)
French (2.6 MB)
Forest use and timber markets in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Mejia, E.; Pacheco, P.; (eds.) English (5.6 MB)
Spanish (4.8 MB)
Artisanal chainsaw milling to support decentralized management of timber in Central Africa? An analysis through the theory of access
Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O.; Robiglio, V. 0.7 MB
Impacts of international timber procurement policies on Central Africa's forestry sector: The case of Cameroon
Eba'a Atyi, R.; Assembe-Mvondo, S.; Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O. 0.4 MB
International forest governance regimes: Reconciling concerns on timber legality and forest-based livelihoods
Wiersum, K.F.; Lescuyer, G.; Nketiah, K.S.; Wit, M. 0.2 MB
From Farmers to Loggers: The Role of Shifting Cultivation Landscapes in Timber Production in Cameroon
Robiglio, V.; Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O. 1.1 MB
Forêts communautaires camerounaises et Plan d'action « Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade » (FLEGT) : Quel prix pour la légalité ?
Julve Larrubia, C.; Tabi Eckebil, N.; Nzoyem Saha, N.; Tchantchouang, J.C.; Kerkhofs, B.; Beauquin, A.; Mbarga Mbarga, J.P.; Vermeulen, C.; Cerutti, P.O.; Lescuyer, G. 0.4 MB
Analysis of smallholding forest livelihood system: Timber certification and its socio-economics impacts (Case studies of three regencies of Central Java province of Indonesia)
Dharmawan, A.H.; Mardiyaningsih, D.I.; Wianti, N.I. 6.8 MB
Policy options to integrate the domestic timber market into formal economy
Nurrochmat, D.R.; Marwoto; Yulianti, F. 0.3 MB
Domestic timber market dynamics in Indonesia
Simangunsong, B.C.H
A paper prepared by Center for International Forestry Research 1.6 MB
Teak trade networks in Semarang district, Indonesia and the challenge of implementing timber legality verificaiton system
Dermawan, A.; Obidzinski, K.; Berina, D. 0.2 MB
Implikasi biaya dan manfaat pelaksanaan SVLK terhadap sektor perkayuan skala kecil
Astana, S.; Obidzinski, K.; Riva, W.F.; Hardiyanto, G.; Komarudin, H.; Sukanda
Center for International Forestry Research 0.4 MB
The timber legality verification system and the voluntary partnership agreement in Indonesia: Challenges for the small-scale forestry sector
Obidzinski, K.; Dermawan, A.; Andrianto, A.; Komarudin, H.; Hernawan, D. 0.3 MB
Formalizing the logging sector in Indonesia: historical dynamics and lessons for current policy initiatives
Obidzinski, K.; Kusters, K
Center for International Forestry Research 0.3 MB
Dapatkah SVLK mendorong tata kelola kehutanan ke arah yang lebih baik? Sebuah kajian nilai tambah sistem verifikasi legalitas kayu.
Astana, S.; Obidzinski, K.; Riva, W.F.; Hardiyanto, G.; Komarudin, H.; Sukanda 0.7 MB
Le bois à l’ordre du jour: exploitation artisanale de bois d’oeuvre en RD Congo: secteur porteur d’espoir pour le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises
Benneker, C.; Assumani, D.-M.; Maindo, A.; Bola, F.; Kimbuani, G.; Lescuyer, G.; Esuka, J.-C.; Kasongo, E.; Begaa, S.French (8.8 MB)
Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal en République Centrafricaine: État des lieux, opportunités et défis
Lescuyer, G.; Hubert, D.; Maïdou, H.; Mendoula, E.E.; Awal, M.French (1.5 MB)
Oil palm plantation investments in Indonesia’s forest frontiers: limited economic multipliers and uncertain benefits for local communities
Obidzinski, K.; Dermawan, A.; Hadianto, A.
Oil palm smallholder yields and incomes constrained by harvesting practices and type of smallholder management in Indonesia
Lee, J. S. H.; Ghazoul, J.; Obidzinski, K.; Koh, L.P. 1.0 MB
Modelling environmental and socio-economic trade-offs associated with land-sparing and land-sharing approaches to oil palm expansion
Lee, J. S. H.; Garcia-Ulloa, J.; Ghazoul, J.; Obidzinski, K.; Koh, L.P.
Evaluation du secteur du sciage artisanal dans le Bassin du Congo
Lescuyer, G.; Cerutti, P.O.; Mendoula, E.E.; Atyi, R.E.; Nasi, R.French (1.0 MB)
English (1.0 MB)
Le secteur informel du sciage artisanal en RD Congo: L’enjeu d’une analyse nationale
Lescuyer, G.; Atyi, R.E.; Cerutti, P.O.; Nasi, R.; Tshimpanga, P.French (8.8 MB)
Smallholders and timber extraction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: amidst market opportunities and regulatory constraints
Mejia, E.; Pacheco, P.; Muzo, A.; Torres, B. 0.3 MB
Tackling illegal logging in the tropics: From good intentions to smart policies
Cerutti, P.O.; Putzel, L.; Pacheco, P.; Baxter, J. 2.0 MB