GIS Data
Please contact Project Team Leader CoLUPSIA
Yves Laumonier: y.laumonier@cgiar.org or yves.laumonier@cirad.fr
If you need data in the list below
Central Maluku Regency
- Satellite images
Satellite image File Name (Scene ID) Path/Row
(K-J)Acquisition Band Resolution Landsat MSS m1116062_06219721004_mss.tif 116/062 October 4, 1972 4,5,6,7 60 m Landsat 5 TM l5108062_06219910523_b345.img 108/062 May 23, 1991 3,4,5 30 m l5108062_06219911115_b345.img 108/062 November 15, 1991 3,4,5 30 m l5108062_06220080114_b345.img 108/062 January 14, 2008 3,4,5 30 m l5108062_06220090524_b345.img 108/062 May 24, 2009 3,4,5 30 m l5108062_06220091031_b345.img 108/062 October 31, 2009 3,4,5 30 m l5108062_06220100220_b345.img 108/062 February 20, 2010 3,4,5 30 m Landsat 7 Etm+ l71107062_06220110107_b345m.img 107/062 January 7, 2011 3,4,5 30 m l71107062_06220100205_b345m.img 107/062 February 5, 2010 3,4,5 30 m l71107063_06320100205_b345m.img 107/063 February 5, 2010 3,4,5 30 m l72108062_06220100924_b345m.img 108/062 September 24, 2010 3,4,5 30 m l71108062_06220110114_b345m.img 108/062 January 14, 2011 3,4,5 30 m l71108062_06220100417_345m.img 108/062 April 17, 2010 3,4,5 30 m l71108062_06220100316_b345m.img 108/062 March 16, 2010 3,4,5 30 m l71109062_06220101102_b345m.img 109/062 November 2, 2010 3,4,5 30 m - GIS compiled secondary data
Data Description Data Type Format Data Resolution Source Administrative: Sub-district and district boundary Polygon Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Location and toponym of villages Point Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Catchment area: Catchment area boundary Polygon Shapefile Geological: Geological maps Polygon Shapefile 1:250,000 PPPG (Geological Research and Development Center) Land designation: Forest concessions Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Plantation Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Forest land use planning Polygon Shapefile 1:250,000 Ministry of Forestry Manusela National Park Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Transmigration area Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Road: Road Network Line Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Topographic: Contour line Line Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Height spot Point Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) River network Line Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Location and Toponym of Mountain, Hill, Island, Cape Point Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM Raster GRID 90 m (3 arc-second) - GIS data produced by project
Data Description Data Type Format Data Resolution Source Sheets Vegetation map: Vegetation classification Land cover Vector Shapefile Vegetation slassification produced from landsat satellite imagery and SPOT satellite imagery 20 sheets at 1:50,000 Geodatabase of the datasets: Geodatabase of the datasets Vector Geodatabase Developed ArcGIS geodatabase topology of the datasets for ensuring the quality of GIS database Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and derivations: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Raster ESRI GRID 30 m DEM generated from contour lines, height spot using an interpolation method specifically designed for creation of hydrologically correct DEM
Kapuas Hulu Regency
- Satellite images
Satellite image File Name (Scene ID) Path/Row
(K-J)Acquisition Band Resolution Landsat 5 TM LT5119059000833110_123457_49.tif 119/059 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 30 m LT5119060000813910_12345_49N.tif 119/060 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 30 m LT5120059000921210_123457_49N.tif 120/059 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 30 m LT5120060000921210_49N.tif 120/060 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 30 m Landsat 5 TM l5119059_05920050814_345.img 119/059 August 14, 2005 3,4,5 30 m l5119060_06020050814_b345.img 119/060 August 14, 2005 3,4,5 30 m l5120059_05920060925_b345.img 120/059 September 25, 2006 3,4,5 30 m l5120060_06020060925_b345.img 120/060 September 25, 2006 3,4,5 30 m Landsat 7 Etm+ l71119059_20091223_345m.img 119/059 December 23, 2009 3,4,5 30 m l71119060_06020100209_b345m.img 119/060 February 9, 2010 3,4,5 30 m l71119060_06020110212_b345.img 119/060 February 12, 2011 3,4,5 30 m l71119060_06020110212_b345m.img 119/060 February 12, 2011 3,4,5 30 m l71119061_06120100601_b345m.img 119/061 June 1, 2010 3,4,5 30 m l71120060_06020100710_b345m.img 112/060 July 10, 2010 3,4,5 30 m SPOT 5 52923480508090245371V 292-348 August 9, 2005 1,2,3 2.5 m 52933480708070241301V 293-348 August 7, 2007 1,2,3 2.5 m 52923490907290256192V 292-349 July 29, 2009 1,2,3 2.5 m 52933490708070241381V 293-349 August 7, 2007 1,2,3 2.5 m - GIS compiled secondary data
Data Description Data Type Format Data Resolution Source Administrative: Village boundary Polygon Shapefile BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sub-district and district boundary Polygon Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Location and toponymy of villages Point Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Catchment area: Catchment area boundary Polygon Shapefile Geological: Geological maps Raster JPG 1:250,000 PPPG (Geological Research and Development Center) Hotspot: Hotspots (fires) in January 2003 - February 2008 Point Shapefile Land designation: Forest concessions Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Plantation Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Mining concessions Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Forest land use planning Polygon Shapefile 1:250,000 Ministry of Forestry Danau Sentarum National Park Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry Betung Kerihun National Park Polygon Shapefile Ministry of Forestry District land use planning Polygon Shapefile BAPPEDA (Development Planning Agency) of Kapuas Hulu Land system: Land system mapping unit Polygon Shapefile 1:250,000 RePPProt (Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration) Road: Road Network Line Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Soil: Soil mapping unit Polygon Shapefile 1:250,000 BALITTANAH (Indonesian Soil Research Institute) Topographic: Contour line Line Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Height spot Point Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) River network Line Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Lake Polygon Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) Location and toponym of Mountain, Hill, Island, Cape Point Shapefile 1:50,000 BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinator for Survey and Mapping Agency) SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM Raster GRID 90 m (3 arc-second) - GIS data produced by COLUPSIA project
Data Description Data Type Format Data Resolution Source Sheets Vegetation map: Vegetation classification Land cover Vector Shapefile Vegetation slassification produced from landsat satellite imagery and SPOT 61 sheets at 1:50,000 Geodatabase of the datasets: Geodatabase of the datasets Vector Geodatabase Developed ArcGIS geodatabase topology of the datasets for ensuring the quality of GIS database Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and derivations: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Raster ESRI GRID 30 m DEM generated from contour lines, height spot using an interpolation method specifically designed for creation of hydrologically correct DEM