Socio-economy data
Please contact Project Team Leader CoLUPSIA
Yves Laumonier: y.laumonier@cgiar.org or yves.laumonier@cirad.fr
If you need data in the list below
The data can be downloaded from Dataverse Network

Central Maluku Regency
Data | Remarks |
Focus Group Discussion | The data were collected from 22 villages by Nining Liswanti, Tine Tjoa, Henny Lelloltery, Ledi Siahaya, Herlin Tomasoa, A. A. Titaley, Isnet, Fanny Soselisa, Iskar, Poppy Mustamu, Junet Lumatihunisa, and Evy Simatupang. The selected villages were Sawai, Horale, Air Besar, Saleman, Rumah Sokat, Latea, Aketernate, Seti, Wailoping, Sari Putih, Tehoru, Saunulu, Moso, Sahulau, Waraka, Watludan, Amahai, Tamilouw, Roho, Kanikeh, Manusela, Kaloa. The data cover condition of the villages between 2010 and 2012 and consist of data on: 1. Right to forest resources, enforcement and compliance 2. Forest management 3. Perception of land certainty 4. Development project in the village |
Households survey | The file consist of data on: 1. Agricultural activities 2. land use information for the current planting season 3. Livestock and fisheries 4. Issues and problems related to agriculture/plantation/animal husbandry/fisheries 5. Extension, rural development and social organization 6. Forest products 7. Perceptions of changes 8. Intergenerational perceptions of the forest 9. Assets |
Key Informant interview | The file consists of data on: 1. Related institutions' forest arrangements 2. Threats and conflicts |
Information Villages | The data consist of general information about the villages, demography, infrastructure, commodities, development programs and problems related to natural resources utilization |
Kapuas Hulu Regency
Data | Remarks |
Focus Group Discussion | The data were collected from 22 villages by Bayuni Shantiko, Jim Sami and Ade M. Abas. The selected villages were Belatung, Benua Tengah, Nanga Embaloh, Pulau Manak, Sungai Abau, Tanjung Beruang, Keluin, Beringin Jaya, Bungan Jaya, Benuis, Hulu Pengkadan, Nanga Boyan, Nanga Dua, Sri Wangi, Tanjung, Temenang, Entipan, Kantuk Asam, Laja Sandang, Penai, Seriang, and Tinting Seligi. The data cover condition of the villages between 2010 and 2012 and consists of data on: 1. Right to forest resources, enforcement and compliance 2. Forest management 3. Perception of land certainty 4. Development project in the village |
Households survey | The file consist of data on: 1. Agricultural activities 2. land use information for the current planting season 3. Livestock and fisheries 4. Issues and problems related to agriculture/plantation/animal husbandry/fisheries 5. Extension, rural development and social organization 6. Forest products 7. Perceptions of changes 8. Intergenerational perceptions of the forest 9. Assets |
Key Informant interview | The file consists of data on: 1. Related institutions' forest arrangements 2. Threats and conflicts |
Information Villages | The data consist of general information about the villages, demography, infrastructure, commodities, development programs and problems related to natural resources utilization |