Project components
Component 1: characterization of forest management systems.
The objective is to analyze the comparative advantages of forest management relative to other land management options.
Activity 1. Characterization the types of forest management.
There are a number of studies that have already been undertaken in this area. The project will add to this body of work. The project will also conduct a study of opportunity costs for different management options for forests in target areas of the project.
Activity 2. Comparative analysis of carbon standards and standards for forest certification.
The project will undertakd an analysis of CCBA and FSC standards (perhaps also VCS and Gold Standard) to compare the domains where each is applicable, the evaluation criteria, the levels of performance required and the difficulties of meeting each set of standards.
Component 2. Determine the carbon potential of sustainable forest management as a policy to reduce deforestation and degradation.
The objective of this component is to improve the availability of knowledge on the impact of sustainable forest management on reducing GHG emissions in the forestry sector.
Activity 1. Evaluate existing knowledge on the impact of forest exploitation on C stocks.
The focus of this work will be to compare the effects of low impact logging on C stocks compared to traditional logging practices.
Activity 2. Develop measurement and monitoring tools and methods that are appropriate for the Congo basin.
The project will develop a method for indirect monitoring of indicators of deforestation and degradation. The project will also look at input – output and stock difference methods for detection of changes of C stocks.
Component 3. Development of joint REDD – SFM strategies
Activity 1. Reflections on future REDD/SFM
The project will work with two ongoing REDD initiatives to:
- Support development of reference emissions estimates
- Map deforested and degraded areas
- Improve estimates of C stocks
- Develop new techniques and procedures to link SFM with REDD, particularly through low-impact logging
- Certification of emissions reductions
- Analyse the system of benefits sharing
Activity 2. Improve current policies in accordance with a REDD strategy
Working with COMIFAC, the project will organize workshops for administrators on several themes pertinent to REDD:
- International tools for combating deforestation
- Analysis of constraints in regional legislation
- Analysis of external policies in Central Africa
- Analysis of financial flows
Activity 3. Link regional REDD projects with the FFEM project
Create a regiona network of REDD projects.
Component 4. Promotion of SFM in future climate change agreements.
The objective of this component is to ensure that SFM is taken into account in the post-Kyoto agreements.
Activity 1. Disseminate the conclusions of preceding work in climate change negotiation sessions.
This activity includes organization of scientific exchanges, diffusion of pertinent publications, organization of international conferences and training workshops on various relevant themes.