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Transportation to and around the villages
Motorbike, boat and raft are the main means of transport to and around the villages in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. Riding a motorbike is the most common mode of transport in the villages. This is challenging due to the muddy, slippery and hilly road conditions. It is worse during the rainy season from September to January (sometimes May). When the road ends, villagers walk or if the water is high and safe enough to navigate, travel upstream by boat. Rafts are often used to go downstream as they are faster and easier, but they aren't always safe. This is especially so when the villagers carry heavy loads of forest products they have gathered such as wild meat and the river is rough and rocky.PMRV activities
Some of our research activities in the villages included community meetings, discussions, and ground checks. We used songs in the meetings and discussions to 'break the ice' (to get to know each other and create a comfortable atmosphere for the activities). The villagers engaged actively in the discussions and at times brought props to present their discussion results. During the ground checks the remote sensing and GIS team explored the village territory together with some of the villagers to check the relevant land cover and uses.Making baskets (ronjong)
Villagers gather many products from the forest including pandan (perupuk), the leaves of which are used for making baskets (ronjong). Baskets are made mostly by women, particularly nearing paddy harvesting (January to March). The baskets are used to carry the paddy and other forest products.Livelihoods
Most of the livelihood activities in the villages are related directly to the forest. Some are carried out by a small number of villagers such as harvesting Borneo ironwood, one of the most durable, heaviest, and highly valued woods in the world; extracting gold from rivers and soil; and collecting agarwood (gaharu), a lucrative dark resinous heartwood used for perfume and incense. Some other livelihood activities are more common such as tapping rubber and shifting rice cultivation.Activities in the villages
There are many events going on in the village; some of them are related to religious activities (e.g. children's shows), cultural events (e.g. making rice snacks and baby hair-cutting ceremony) and health services (e.g. activities in the community health clinic). As for the children, they have their own daily fun activities such as swimming in the river and playing fire football in the dark.
Participatory maps
Two key informants describe some features of the maps and explain the role and importance of participatory maps for their village. Maps were created for the COLUP Project in 2012. Participatory maps can help represent (spatially) local land use, and voice local people's claims and rights to their ancestral lands. We hope these maps will also help villagers in negotiations with local government and companies over land rights. (These subtitles are based on translation that has been edited for concision and clarity, and may reflect the editor's interpretation.)Transportation in Mamberamo-Raya
There are only two ways to access Mamberamo Raya District in Papua: by air, flying from Jayapura (provincial capital) to Kasonaweja (temporary district capital), or by sea. Goods and people often travel using freight boats along the coast and then up the estuary to Kasonaweja. On the way they stop at villages along the Mamberamo River, bringing to life temporary markets. Wooden boats and speedboats are the most common means of transportation in the watershed.