Last updated 20 March 2012
- TroFCCA Publications
- Selected publications
Selected publications
Locatelli, B & Vignola, R | 2009 | ‘Managing watershed services of tropical forests and plantations: can meta-analyses help?’ Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 258, no. 9, pp. 1864–1870. | Details |
Nkem, J, Oswald, D, Kudejira, D & Kanninen, M | 2009 | Counting on forests and accounting for forest contributions in national climate change actions, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. | Details |
Vignola, R, Locatelli, B, Martinez, C & Imbach, P | 2009 | ‘Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: what role for policy-makers, society and scientists?’ Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change, vol. 14, pp. 691–696. | Details |
Guariguata, M, Cornelius, J, Locatelli, B, Forner, C & Sánchez-Azofeifa, GA | 2008 | ‘Mitigation needs adaptation: tropical forestry and climate change’, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 13, pp. 793–808. | Details |
Locatelli, B, Herawati, H, Brockhaus, M, Idinoba, M & Kanninen, M | 2008 | Methods and Tools for Assessing the Vulnerability of Forests and People to Climate Change: An introduction, Working Paper No. 43, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. | Details |
Santoso, H, Idinoba, M & Imbach, I | 2008 | Climate Scenarios: what we need to know and how to generate them, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. | Details |
Ilstedt, U, Malmer, A, Verbeeten, E & Murdiyarso, D | 2007 | ‘The effect of afforestation on water infiltration in the tropics: systematic review and meta-analysis’, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 251, pp. 45–51. | Details |
Central America
Imbach, P, Molina, L, Locatelli, B, Roupsard, O, Ciais, P, Corrales, P & Mahé, G | 2010 | ‘Regional modelling of vegetation and long term runoff for Mesoamerica’, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 7, pp. 801-846. | Details |
Imbach, P, Molina, L, Locatelli, B, Roupsard, O, Ciais, P, Corrales, P & Mahé, G | 2010 | ‘Climatology-based regional modelling of potential vegetation and average annual long-term runoff for Mesoamerica’, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1801–1817. | Details |
Locatelli, B, Imbach, P, Vignola, R, Metzger, MJ & Hidalgo, EJL | 2010 | ‘Ecosystem services and hydroelectricity in Central America: modelling service flows with fuzzy logic and expert knowledge’, Regional Environmental Change, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 393–404. | Details |
Martinez, C, Locatelli, B, Imbach, P, Vignola, R (eds) | 2010 | Servicios ecosistémicos y adaptación al cambio climático, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. | Details |
Rojas, MR, Locatelli, B & Billings, R |
2010 | ‘Climate change and outbreaks of Southern Pine Beetle Dendroctonus frontalis in Honduras’, Forest Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 70–76. | Details |
Vignola, R, Koellner, T, Scholz, RW & McDaniels, TL | 2010 | ‘Decision-making by farmers regarding ecosystem services: factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica’, Land Use Policy, vol. 27, pp. 1132–1142. | Details |
Benegas, L, Jiménez, F, Locatelli, B, Faustino, J & Campos, M | 2009 | ‘A methodological proposal for the evaluation of farmer’s adaptation to climate variability, mainly due to drought in watersheds in Central America’, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 169–183. | Details |
Leguía, EJ, Locatelli, B, Imbach, P, Pérez, CJ & Vignola, R | 2008 | ‘Servicios ecosistémicos e hidroenergía en Costa Rica’, Ecosistemas, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 16–23. | Details |
Locatelli, B, Imbach, P, Molina, LG, Palacios, E &Corrales, L | 2008 | ‘Futuro de los incendios forestales bajo escenarios socioeconómicos y de cambio climático en Centroamérica’, Mesoamericana, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 132–133. | |
Locatelli, B, Rojas, V & Salinas, Z | 2008 | ‘Impacts of payments for environmental services on local development in northern Costa Rica: a fuzzy multi-criteria analysis’, Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 275–285. | Details |
Benegas, L, Jimenez, F, Locatelli, B, Faustino, J & Campos M | 2007 | 'Evaluación de la adaptación de los productores a la variabilidad climática, principalmente a la sequia en cuencas hidrográficas en América Central', Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, vol. 51–52, pp. 107–123. | Details |
Gonzalez, C, Locatelli, B, Imbach, P, Vignola, R, Campos, M, Pérez, CJ & Vaast, P | 2007 | ‘Sistemas forestales y agroforestales proveedores de servicios ecosistémicos para el sector agua potable en Nicaragua’, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, vol. 51–52, pp. 33–39. | |
Leguía, E, Locatelli, B, Imbach, P, Alpizar, F, Vignola, R & Perez, C | 2007 | 'Bosques proveedores de servicios ecosistémicos para la generación de hidroelectricidad en Nicaragua', Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, vol. 51–52, pp. 40–47. | |
Pérez , C, Locatelli, B, Vignola, R & Imbach, P | 2007 | ‘Integrar los bosques tropicales en las políticas de adaptación al cambio climático’, Ambientito, vol. 165, pp. 19–21. | |
Pérez , C, Locatelli, B, Vignola, R & Imbach, P | 2007 | ‘Importancia de los bosques tropicales en las políticas de adaptación al cambio climático’, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, vol. 51–52, pp. 6–13. | Details |
Garay, M, Locatelli, B & Louman, B | 2006 | ‘Impacto socioeconómico del pago por servicios ambientales y la certificación forestal voluntaria en la sostenibilidad del manejo forestal en Costa Rica’, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, vol. 46–47, pp. 99–108. | Details |
South-East Asia
Herawati, H & Santoso, H | 2011 | ‘Tropical forest susceptibility to and risk of fire under changing climate: a review of fire nature, policy and institutions in Indonesia’, Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 227–233. | Details |
Lasco, RD, Pulhin, FB, Jaranilla-Sanchez, PA, Delfino, RJP, Gerpacio, R & Garcia, K | 2009 | ‘Mainstreaming adaptation in developing countries: the case of the Philippines’, Climate and Development, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 130–146. | Details |
Murdiyarso, D & Adiningsih, ES | 2007 | ‘Climate anomalies, Indonesian vegetation fires and terrestrial carbon emissions’, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 101–112. | Details |
Murdiyarso, D & Lebel, L | 2006 | ‘Local to global perspective on forest and land fires in South-East Asia’, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 3–11. | Details |
West Africa
Kalame, FB, Aidoo, R, Nkem, J, Ajayie, OC, Kanninen, M, Luukkanen, O & Idinoba, M | 2011 | ‘The modified taungya system in Ghana’s transitional zone: a win–win practice for forestry and adaptation to climate change?’ Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 14, pp. 519–530. | Details |
Idinoba, M, Nkem, J, Kalame, FB, Tachie-Obeng, E & Gyampoh, BA | 2010 | ‘Dealing with reducing trends in forest ecosystem services through a vulnerability assessment and planned adaptation actions’, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 419–429. | Details |
Gyampoh, BA, Amisah, S, Idinoba, M & Nkem, J | 2009 | ‘Using traditional knowledge to cope with climate change in rural Ghana’, Unasylva, vol. 60, no. 231/232, pp. 70–74. | Details |
Idinoba, M, Kalame, F, Nkem, J, Blay, D & Coulibaly, Y | 2009 | ‘Climate change and non-wood forest products: vulnerability and adaptation in West Africa’, Unasylva, vol. 60, no. 231/232, p. 75. | Details |
Kalame, FB, Nkem, J, Idinoba, M & Kanninen, M | 2009 | ‘Matching national forest policies and management practices for climate change adaptation in Burkina Faso and Ghana’, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 135–151. | Details |
Marks, E, Aflakpui, GKS, Nkem, J, Poch, RM, Khouma, M, Kokou, K, Sagoe, R & Sebasti`a, MT | 2009 | ‘Conservation of soil organic carbon, biodiversity and the provision of other ecosystem services along climatic gradients in West Africa’, Biogeosciences, vol. 6, pp. 1825–1838. | Details |
Amwata, D, Archer,E, Brockhaus, M, Butterfield, R, Callaway, J, Denton, F, Dorsouma, AH, Flint, L, Hamza, M, Idinoba, M, Kalame, F, Klein, R, Abou, MN, Nkem, J, Nyong, T, Elasha, BO, Shale, M, Smith, B, Tadross, M, Tas, A & Taylor, A | 2008 | Climate Change Adaptation in Africa. Scoping Paper for the Expert Group Meeting on Climate Change Adaptation of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment. | Details |
Brockhaus, M & Djoudi, H | 2008 | ‘Adaptation at the Interface of Forest Ecosystem Goods and Services and Livestock Production Systems in Northern Mali’, Info Brief, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. | Details |
Gyampoh, BA, Idinoba, M & Amisah, S | 2008 | ‘Water scarcity under a changing climate in Ghana: options for livelihood adaptation’, Development, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 415–417. | Details |
Kalame, FB, Idinoba, M, Brockhaus, M & Nkem, J | 2008 | Forest policies and forest resource flow in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Mali: conflicting or consistent for adaptation to climate change? CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. | Details |
Nkem, J, Idinoba, M, Brockhaus, M, Kalame, F & Tas, A | 2008 | ‘Adaptation to climate change in Africa: synergies with biodiversity and forests’, Infobrief, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. | Details |
Nkem, J, Santoso, H, Murdiyarso, D, Brockhaus, M & Kanninen, M | 2007 | ‘Using tropical forest ecosystem goods and services for planning climate change adaptation with implications for food security and poverty reduction’, Journal of Semi-Arid Tropical Agricultural Research, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–23. | Details |