Past events
Baltic Sea Region Conference, Interdisciplinary Research for Higher Socioeconomic Value of Forests
- 10 June 2013 - 12 June 2013, Salaspils, Latvia
The conference will address topics relevant to forest ecosystem goods and services, with an emphasis on the economic value of forests and appropriate management practices to ensure sustainable use of forest resources including recognition of environmental benefits from forests such as clean water,... More information »
UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) session 38
- 03 June 2013 - 14 June 2013, Bonn, Germany
The Convention established two permanent subsidiary bodies: the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). These bodies give advice to the COP and each has a specific mandate. They are both open to participation by any Party and... More information »
14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), The Commons
- 03 June 2013 - 07 June 2013, Mount Fuji, Japan
Conference theme – Commoners and the changing commons: livelihoods, environmental security, and shared knowledge. more.. More information »
9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference
- 03 June 2013 - 07 June 2013, Beijing International Convention Center (BICC), Beijing, China
To exchange recent scientific findings and gain a better understanding of interdisciplinary aspects of carbon-cycle science, the 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference will take place in Beijing, China, June 3-7, 2013. This is the continuation of the series of International Carbon Dioxide... More information »
17th Indonesia Environment Week
- 30 May 2013 - 02 June 2013, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesia Environment Week is an annual event that fully supported by the Ministry of Environment of Indonesia to commemorate the World Environment Day which fell on 5 June. The event showcases the achievements and programmes in the environment sector which have been conducted by its stakeholders.... More information »
REDD Conference at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB): Options for national REDD+ architectures
- 29 May 2013 - 31 May 2013, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Oslo, Norway
The purpose of the conference is to facilitate knowledge exchange and experience sharing between countries at various stages in REDD+ design and implementation. By bringing together policymakers and researchers involved in REDD+ processes at national levels the conference aims to help create... More information »
B4E Climate Summit 2013: Net Zero, Climate Positive
- 28 May 2013 - 29 May 2013, The Hurlingham Club, London, United Kingdom
The urgency of the global climate challenge demands ambitious goals and bold, coordinated action. The B4E Climate Summit 2013, themed “Net Zero, Climate positive”, will present growth strategies of leading global businesses committed to net zero carbon emissions and the most cutting edge... More information »
African Development Bank Group Annual Meeting
- 27 May 2013 - 31 May 2013, Marrakech, Marocco
The meetings, with the excellent conference facilities and legendary Moroccan hospitality, will provide the optimal forum for the shareholders to carry out the business of the Bank, and for all stakeholders to dialogue on current issues pertaining to the development of the continent. Morocco... More information »
Act Now Conference 2013
- 27 May 2013 - 31 May 2013, Joensuu, Finland
Act Now Conference 2013 will have focus on water. The conference will take place 27 - 31 May in the city of Joensuu, Finland. The venue for main event 30-31 May will be Joensuun Laulurinne. It is a pretty, park-like area designed specially for large events, and lake Pyhäselkä greets us... More information »
African Development Bank Group Annual Meeting
- 27 May 2013 - 31 May 2013, Marrakech, Marocco
The meetings, with the excellent conference facilities and legendary Moroccan hospitality, will provide the optimal forum for the shareholders to carry out the business of the Bank, and for all stakeholders to dialogue on current issues pertaining to the development of the continent. Morocco... More information »