- Sentinel Landscapes
- Videos
CIFOR's Robert Nasi on Sentinel Landscapes
CIFOR's Deputy Director General for Research, Robert Nasi, talks about the idea of "sentinel landscapes," a novel way to conduct comparative studies of forest landscapes throughout the tropical world.Introduction about the Sentinel Landscape workshop
Introduction about the Sentinel Landscape workshop by Anja Gassner.Oil palm: Landscapes, market chains and investment flows
A presentation by Pablo Pacheco from CIFOR on "Oil palm: Landscapes, market chains and investment flows".A new research tool to address the future of logged forests
The Tropical managed Forests Observatory: a new research tool to address the future of logged forests.Upper Mekong Sentinel Landscape
A presentation by Rhett Harrison on "Upper Mekong Sentinel Landscape".Borneo Sumatra Sentinel Landscape
Borneo Sumatra Sentinel Landscape.Socio-economic data in the Sentinel Landscape
Socio-economic data in the Sentinel Landscape.Sentinel Landscape - Ecosystem health at multiple scale
Sentinel Landscape - Ecosystem health at multiple scale.Environmental Constraint Envelopes
Environmental Constraint Envelopes, do they determine what options are available in a given context?We have the options - do we have sufficient knowledge of the context?
A presentation by Dave Harris about "We have the options - do we have sufficient knowledge of the context?".West Africa Sentinel Landscape
West Africa Sentinel Landscape.Western Ghats Sentinel Landscape
Western Ghats Sentinel Landscape.Central African Humid Tropics Sentinel Landscapes Transect
Central African Humid Tropics Sentinel Landscapes Transect: a benchmark to provide development solutions for the Congo Basin.Western Amazon Sentinel Landscape
Western Amazon Sentinel Landscape.Nicaragua-Honduras Sentinel Landscape
Nicaragua-Honduras Sentinel Landscape.Oil palm: Disparate trajectories, business models and impacts
Oil palm: Disparate trajectories, business models and impacts. Progress from an issue bounded Sentinel Landscape.How tropical forests recover from logging?
A meta-analysis carried out by the Tropical managed Forests Observatory in the Amazon.Analysis and Monitoring of Deforestation Dynamics in FTA Sentinel Landscapes
Presentation by Glenn Hyman and Alejandro Coca on" Analysis and Monitoring of Deforestation Dynamics in FTA Sentinel Landscapes".Social Network Analysis
A presentation by Mrigesh Kshatriya from CIFOR on Social Network Analysis.Central Asia Sentinel Landscape proposal
Central Asia Sentinel Landscape proposal.A Sentinel Landscape for the Miombo ecosystem
A presentation by Robert Nasi from CIFOR on "A Sentinel Landscape for the Miombo ecosystem".Nile-Congo Sentinel Landscape
Nile-Congo Sentinel Landscape.Panel Discussion
A panel discussion about Sentinel Landscape.