- Sentinel Landscapes
- Presentations
Sentinel Landscapes
Anja Gassner, ICRAF
3rd-7th March 2014 0.3 MB
Joining efforts. Colocation of CRP research activities within Burkina Faso
Michael Balinga and Julien Colomer, CIFOR
3rd-7th March 2014 1.3 MB
Climate Smart Territories in Central America: Nicacentral and Trifinio (MAPNoruega project)
3rd-7th March 2014 8.2 MB
Using Systematic Field Surveys to Assess the Effects of Land Use on Soil Health Across Diverse Landscapes
Leigh Winowiecki (CIAT), Tor-Gunnar Vågen (ICRAF) 6.6 MB
The Landscapes Portal
Tor-G Vågen, ICRAF
Social Network Analysis
Mrigesh Kshatriya, CIFOR
3rd-7th March 2014 0.7 MB
Long term socio ecological research sites for CRP6 – designing the methodology
Anja Gassner, ICRAF
September 29th 2012 1.2 MB
Linking Household to other data
Eric A. Coleman, IFRI 0.7 MB
Indicator Development for Forest Governance
Arun Agrawal, IFRI 1.0 MB
Forest Governance for Multiple Benefits
Ashwini Chhatre, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1.2 MB
The Western Ghats Sentinel landscape: a platform to coordinate research efforts
Siddappa Setty, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore 3.8 MB
Lessons Western Ghats
Dr. G.M. Devagiri, University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, College of Forestry, Ponnampet, Kodagu, India 7.6 MB
Tree Diversity Analysis:Application to sentinel landscape data
Roeland Kindt, ICRAF 5.6 MB
Using IFRI data: Two examples
Frank van Laerhoven, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable development, Utrecht University 0.5 MB
Mekong Sentinel Landscape
Rhett Harrison (ICRAF), Aaron J.M. Russell (CIFOR) 1.3 MB
Proposed Central Asia Sentinel Landscape – Forest degradation and resiliency
Judy Loo, Theme Leader, Forest Genetic Resources Programme 3.7 MB
Central African Humid Tropics Sentinel Landscapes Transect (CAFHUT): Working process and situation in March 2014
Sonwa Denis , Maukonen Paulus, Nkeumoe Frederick
3rd-7th March 2014 2.0 MB
WASL Progress and Experiences
Michael Balinga, Joachim Binam, Rabdo Abdoulaye and Jerome Tondoh
3 February 2014 3.2 MB
Sentinel Landscape Nicaragua-Honduras advances to 2014
Jenny Ordonez, Norvin Sepulveda
3rd-7th March 2014 7.4 MB
Identifying climate stressors – A matter of scale
Kátia Fernandes, International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Columbia University
March 2014 1.4 MB
Iniciativa de Monitoreo Socio-ecológico de la Amazonía Occidental (IMSAO)
Martín Reyes, Jean Paul Benavides, Valentina RobiglioTurrialba
3rd-7th March 2014 1.5 MB
Landscapes' dynamics through the lens of rural institutions: How feasible is the landscape approach?
Sandrine Fréguin-Gresh
3-7th March 2014, Turrialba, Costa Rica 3.2 MB
Landscape based approaches for studies of ecosystem health at multiple spatial scales
Tor-G Vågen, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)