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Improving outcomes for teak smallholders


Title: Establishing teak silviculture demonstration plots
Start date: September 02
End date:  - September 14
Location: Sokoliman I, Ngawis, Giripurwo, Karangduwet

The research team established 6 demonstration plots in 4 villages across the 3 subdistricts of Karangmojo, Purwosari and Paliyan. Smallholder teak producers participated in planning and setting up the plots. They will be involved in later monitoring and evaluation stages. The plots serve to identify which silvicultural practices provide optimum benefits to smallholders. The plots are used to demonstrate to farmers advantages of applying teak silvicultural practices; to inspire innovations by farmers and other stakeholders in developing community teak plantation management techniques; to provide a means of learning for growers and other interested stakeholders; and to support exchange visits and discussions among farmers.