- Teak Small Holders
- Activities
- Field surveys
Improving outcomes for teak smallholders
Field surveys
To collect data and information of the project site, we conducted household surveys, financial surveys, farm inventories, microfinance surveys and marketing surveys. Read more….
1. Household surveys
Household surveys were conducted in August–September 2007. We interviewed 275 respondents from households in 8 villages: Bejiharjo, Candirejo, Dadapayu, Giripanggung, Giripurwo, Karangasem, Karangduwet and Katongan. These villages are representative of three parts of Gunungkidul area, northern, central and southern parts. Integrated questionnaires were constructed based on preliminary interviews to develop questions that addressed project objectives.
2. Financial surveys on smallholder teak management practices
Complementing the household survey, we carried out a financial survey at the research site during September 2008. The survey aimed to assess financial aspects of smallholder teak management practices. We interviewed 31 smallholder teak producers. From these interviews, we collected data on production inputs and total income from teakwood sales.
3. Farm inventories
We assessed farm inventories in the same 8 villages where we conducted household surveys, from 31 December 2007 to 25 January 2008. This inventory assessment looked at current and potential silvicultural practices by smallholder farmers on teak-based farming systems. The combination of silvicultural practices, a range of tree diversity and characteristics, and observed tree size class distributions (stand structures) was assessed through an inventory of 227 of 744 plots (persil-persil) total plots, 30%, of teak-based farming systems (kebun pekarangan, tegalan, sawah, kitren and kebun) that were documented in the baseline study in the 8 selected villages. Teak-based farms were selected to be representative of both the smallest (0.0055 ha) and largest (3.0 ha) farmers’ landholdings. Quadrangle sampling units(400 m2) were used to record standing stocks per tree species, including seedlings. The sampling unit was replicated to represent 10% of the total area of a farm that predominantly grows teak. Furthermore, the teak-based farms can be clustered by farm characteristics and silviculture practices to evaluate management similarities. Levels of similarity were examined by using hierarchical clusteranalysis (Santoso 2002). Results of the inventory assessment were used to develop potential silvicultural practices to test during various farmer demonstration trials (FDTs).
4. Microfinance surveys and community institutional capacity building
After conducting household surveys the InterCAFE-IPB research team conducted additional in-depth surveys of 44 households to determine factors affecting householders’ access to credit. The surveys took place from 1–5 November 2008 in all 8 village research sites. From 9–12 February 2009, the team also visited 9 community groups: the Bulusari women’s group in Katongan, the Berkah collective business group in Gelaran I hamlet in Bejiharjo and 7 farmers’ groups, namely Sumber Makmur in Candirejo, Sedyo Mulyo in Gelaran II, Bejiharjo, Sumber Rejeki in Karang Duwet, Gunung Sari II in Karangasem, Tri Lestari in Giri Purwo, Marsudi Karyo in Giripanggung and Tani Murah in Dadapayu. During these visits the research team organised bookkeeping systems and helped group managers to establish statutes and bylaws. The project recruited a local staff member, Maryono, who also provided assistance.
5. Marketing survey
We organised a marketing survey from July to December 2007 as part of the ACIAR-funded ‘Improving Economic Outcomes for Smallholders Growing Teak in Indonesia’ project. That project’s Objective 3 defines the project goal to enhance smallholder teak producers’ access to markets. Two methods were used to understand and assess the problems and opportunities related to marketing community teak wood: production-to-consumption system analysis and rapid market appraisal. These methods provide frameworks to draw lessons learned and develop interventions to improve existing marketing systems.
The rapid market appraisal method collects information about existing community teak marketing practices, problems and opportunities. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 29 local teak traders using a semistructured questionnaire. Data collected during those interviews included business profiles, market channels and specifications, marketing costs, and future directions of community teak wood markets. Data analysis was both descriptive and quantitative. To complement the primary data, literature reviews were also conducted.
6. Microfinance surveys and community institutional capacity building
After conducting household surveys, the InterCafe IPB research team conducted in-depth surveys of 44 households on 1–5 December 2008 at research sites to determine factors affecting householder access to credit.